G Suite email backup:

Did you know that email deleted from Google servers are permanently deleted after 25 days??   CRC can now backup your G Suite (formally Google Apps) mailboxes. We would recommend this to our clients that are using gsuite for their email needs. Please email help@crctechs.com for pricing information.

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CRC post hacker conference

James and I attended this year’s Def Con conference which focused on how attackers gain access to your networks and data. We spent three days watching people hack into hardware devices like credit card processing machines as well as hack into regular software like Microsoft Word and Excel…. We even saw hackers gain access into the polling machines used in this last election (took them 90 minutes to get in). We also learned that 90% of major medical facilities are not secure, though by being a CRC client your security options are much better managed and affordable than the major hospitals....

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CRC Recycles

CRC just signed an agreement with Styro Recycle in Kent Washington to pick up and recycle the Styrofoam packaging that comes with your workstation and hardware purchases through CRC. What does that get turned into? Picture frames, light switch & outlet covers, crown molding and some electronic cases.   CRC also recycles your hardware through two different electronics recyclers. Interconnection, for example, destroys the data on the hard drives with a high level of destruction and then reuses the computer hardware for low-income families and students, schools & libraries,...

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CRC Security

Who are these CRC techs jumping on your network and dealing with your patient’s data? Well, mostly a group of geeks that know each other outside of work and came to work for CRC after someone they know did the same. Your data is important and valuable. This is why we perform a criminal background check of all our employees and have quarterly HIPAA, PCI, and cybersecurity training. We take our security policies seriously and are constantly looking for new ways to improve our internal security and in turn, your office security.

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Ransomware prevention

Ransomware can encrypt your patient data and demand a ransom in order to give it back to you. Becoming infected with this type of virus is relatively easy, either you can browse to a website that is infected or download and open an email attachment that is infected. Limiting web browsing to business related activities and not opening unexpected email attachments are keys to preventing this type of infection. While your antivirus and updated network equipment help prevent ransomware infections there are a few more steps you can take… CRC has a few other recommended options we feel are...

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